Why Pyblink ?

Very few word-processors integrates well with pybliographer - to my knowledge Lyx is the only one. To make it easier to use Pybliographer in connection with eg. Open Office I have developed Pyblink. It is not especially sofisticated - but it works - and my wife is using it on daily basis.

What is Pyblink doing ?

Pyblink takes care of 3 tasks.

  • First it maintains a list of articles from a Pybliographer DB that is relevant for a given document.
  • Second it makes it possible to generate a formatted reference list for the used references.
  • Third it uses the "cite" facility from pybliographer to build and maintain its reference list and make the refence id available in the X-clipboard.

How is Pyblink used ?

When you want to write a document eg in Open Office, you start Pyblink and create a new reference list for your document - eg "MyDocument.rl". You then start pybliographic and your word-processor. When you need to cite a reference, you select the appropriate refence in pybliographic and press the Cite-button. You then switch to your word-processor and press your middle-mouse-button, which will paste the reference id into your document. Behind your back Pyblink will check if the id is allready in the reference list, and if it is not, it will be added. When you want to include the formatted reference list in your document, you select "Generate reference" from pyblinks File-menu, and a text or HTML document will be generated, and can easily be included in your document-file.

How does it work?

Pyblink uses the Cite-facility created for Lyx. It means that the Lyx-pipe must exist, and pybliographic must be configurated to use that lyx-pipe. The default lyx pipe is in ~/.lyx and is called lyxpipe.in and lyxpipe.out

How to install pyblink?

See INSTALL in the package.

Download current version (updated 06sep2005 see changes)


Comments on version 0.4.3

Only bugfix in handling of new file

Comments on version 0.4.2

Version 0.4.2 has many bug-fixes. The package now uses autotools to make a standard installable package (see INSTALL). It has been updated it for pyblio 1.2.4. 1.2.4 contains a style which generates the reflist with the database keys. Using this style the inserted keys from pyblink are the same as the generated keys in the reflist. Thanks alot to Zoltan Kota for theese improvements.


Note! Pyblink requires at least:

  • Python2
  • pygtk2
  • pygtk2-libglade

If you have to install python2 and gtk2 and face problems running pybliograher/pybliographer, it may help to take a look at http://www.hardings.cl/hacking/pybliographer

Comments, bugs, improvements

Please send comments, bugs or improvement to:

pyblink AT sonnet.dk

The responsible

Pyblink is written by Thomas Sonne Olesen (tpso AT bigfoot.com)

Thanks to:
* Zoltan Kota
* Ralf Steinmayer
for fixes and improvements.